Festival's location:

Underground club “Vault” (old military bunker)
Subačiaus st. 99, VILNIUS, LITHUANIA


Presail ticket price – 40 Lt./ 12 EUR. At the doors 50 Lt./ 15 EUR. Ask tickets from organisators. (Tickets are limited edition)

Doors open:

Doors opens at 19:00. Festival starts at 20:00

Organisator's contact:

All information about festival and where to stay in Vilnius can be reached from these sources:
First email: info@autarkeia.org
Second email: lashisha@autarkeia.org
Cell phone: +370 610 61294

To solve staying in Vilnius problem contact us at least week before festival, please!

If you will have some problems with current website, please contact webmaster.

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