jarl - 'hypnagogic domain' cas


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JARL "Hypnagogic Domain" CAS. Niekur nepublikuota švedų kompozitoriaus Eriko Jarl 2007-2008 metų garso medžiaga. Tai labai įtaigus ambient muzikos kūrinys, kuriuo Erikas išreiškia savo patirtį anomališkose Hypnagogic būsenose, kurias dažnai patirdavo praeityje. Viduramžiais buvo manoma, kad šią būseną sukelia ant kūno atsisėdęs demonas. Ši būsena, tai sąmonės fenomenas.

Iš Wikipedia apie tai:

Mental phenomena that occur during this "threshold consciousness" phase include lucid dreaming, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis. Other terms for hypnagogia, in one or both senses, that have been proposed include "presomnal" or "anthypnic sensations", "visions of half-sleep", "oneirogogic images" and "phantasmata", "the borderland of sleep", "praedormitium",. The "borderland state", "half-dream state", "pre-dream condition", "sleep onset dreams", dreamlets, and "wakefulness-sleep transition" state.

Threshold consciousness [commonly called "half-asleep" or "half-awake", or "Mind Awake Body Asleep"] describes the same mental state of someone who is moving towards sleep or wakefulness but has not yet completed the transition. Such transitions are usually brief, but can be extended by sleep disturbance or deliberate induction, for example during meditation.

side one: hypnagogic domain part 1-3

side two: hypnagogic part 4

Albumo tiražas 86 kopijos. Normal tipo juosta. C45